Please Don't Die, But if You Do, What Do I Do Next?: A Practical and Cost Saving Guide for the Estate Executor info
Have you been named as an executor of a will or just want to know what the process of estate administration from a practical standpoint is all about? Then read on!
This book is for meant to help those who have been named as an executor, for someone who has asked a loved one in to be in charge of their estate or for one who just generally wants to know what the process of closing an estate is all about. It has some technical elements, like how to sell or transfer stock and – but the real value of the book is setting expectations. It includes advice such as; making the funeral arrangements, dividing up the jewelry and selling the furniture. More importantly, it gives the first time executor enough information so they can be conversant when talking to lawyers, accounts and beneficiaries. That’s the main reason this book is different than others – it has more of the practical versus the legalese. It basically helps someone who’s never been an executor before or has